GE Discovery NM/CT 670 Pro premium hybrid imaging system combines an all-purpose, dual-detector, integrated nuclear imaging system that features the high-performance Optima CT540 system. The Optima CT540 features a 16-slice CT with short-geometry configuration , including Performix Ultra X-Ray Tube.
System Hardware
Elite digital dual detectors
Crystal thickness – 3/8 in./9.5 mm
59 high quantum efficiency PMT’s – each coupled with one ADC per PMT
Extra large, rectangular FOV: 540 mm x 400 mm (21.25 in. x 15.75 in.)
Slip-ring gantry enables continuous multiple tomographic rotations in the same direction
Externally mounted detectors, with flexible positioning for all major studies
Adjustable scanning radius for both 90 degree and 180 degree SPECT scans Elite digital dual detectors
Integrated CT system
Slip-ring gantry mounted X-ray unit and 16 Slice CT
53.2 kW HV power generator
Fixed anode tube with high beam energy – 140 kVp, 2.5 mA
CT detector – 4 rows of 384/1.8 x 7.6 mm cadmium tungstate detectors