Category: PET/CT

PSMA Prostate Cancer Scan: What is a PSMA PET Scan?

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer for men in the US, behind skin cancers. 11% of men will be diagnosed with it, and 2.5% will die from it. It’s also one of the most difficult disease states to identify in men due to the length of time it takes to manifest symptoms to

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16-Slice vs. 64-Slice CT Scan

Annually, there are approximately 1.9 million new cancer diagnoses in the United States. Additionally, there are over 600,000 cancer-related deaths. One way to diagnose cancer early on and improve mortality rates is through high-quality CT scanners. CT scans can detect early-stage cancer signs and help physicians develop an individualized plan of care. Have you wondered

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TTG Imaging Solutions is now Catalyst MedTech